
Your journey starts here

As a club we allow members access to the course, during specified times, to enjoy running or walking as part of our lifestyle offering. This does come at a risk as flying golf balls can cause serious injury and even death. The club can also not guarantee the safety of runners/walkers at all times, despite having regular security patrols. It is, therefore, necessary to implement a set of rules to protect and inform runners/walkers of the risks associated while using the facility. Runners/walkers entering the premises do so at their own risk and will be removed from the course if they do not follow the club rules.

The running track is for the use of members and their guests only. Members must keep their membership cards with them which will allow the Club security to identify them as a member of the Club. Please be mindful of golfers playing 9-holes as they still have the right of way. Your safety is paramount, so please take care.

Walkers/runners must stay on the demarcated walking/running trails at all times. They are not allowed to wander all over the golf courses.

We will no longer allow the walking and running of dogs on the courses. Unfortunately, pets were not properly controlled and the Club’s General Committee have taken the decision that no dogs will be allowed on the Club premises moving forward.

The running/walking lifestyle offered at the club is ideal for the family, as it provides a safer and more social environment. Access control to ensure the safety of runners/walkers is a crucial part of the Randpark experience.

Access to the course before and after golf:

Winter (May to end Aug)
Morning  05:00 – 06:30. Only golfers allowed after 06:30.
Afternoon after 17:00

Summer (Sept to end April)
Morning 05:00 – 06:00. Only golfers allowed after 06:00.
Afternoon after 17:30

For more information please contact 011 215 8600 or

Header image credit: Michel Bega